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Tooth Extraction

Tooth extraction refers to the process of removal of teeth. Teeth are removed for several reasons. The main reason for removal of teeth is dental carries. It is not always the best option, but in cases of severe decay tooth extraction is a good option. When a tooth is extremely loose, extraction is always the only option. Such a tooth cannot be saved even by bone graft. You are beyond the point of a cosmetic dentist helping you, you need an oral surgeon.






















Reasons for tooth extraction

As mentioned above, the main reason for tooth extraction is severe tooth decay. Other reasons include;


  • Some patients have teeth that block the way for other teeth to form

  • Milk teeth that do not fall before permanent teeth come out often have to be extracted

  • Teeth that do not align even after the installation of braces have to be removed

  • Patients receiving radio therapy have teeth that are in the way of the radiations extracted

  • Wisdom teeth often have to be extracted if there is no room for them to grow. This extraction happens either before the tooth comes out or after.


Bisphosphonates are drugs that cause death of the jaw bone. This condition is called osteonecrosis. If you anticipate to be treated using these drugs it is always advisable to see your dentist so that any teeth that need extraction can be removed before this medication is administered. If a tooth is removed in the process of taking this drug, the risk of osteonecrosis is very high.


Preparation for tooth extraction

Sometimes, a dental surgeon has to take x-rays of the area around the tooth to be extracted. These images are supposed to help the dental surgeon plan the best way of removing that specific tooth. Before the tooth is extracted it is very important that you give the dental surgeon records of your dental history. The dentist also expects that you list all drugs that you are currently using. Drugs such as bisphosphonates are dangerous as they cause loss of bone loss. When a tooth is extracted the jaw bone is very vulnerable. It is common for dentists to prescribe antibiotics before and after the extraction. The antibiotics are meant to prevent the occurrence of any infection. The antibiotics are administered if an infection occurred during the surgery.


The extraction

In practice there are two types of extractions; a simple extraction and a surgical extraction. A simple extraction is the extraction done for a tooth which can be seen. In other words this refers to an extraction done on teeth that are above the gum line. The dental surgeon uses a tool known as an elevator to loosen the tooth. A pair of forceps is then used to pull out the tooth.


A surgical extraction is performed on a tooth that is below the gum line. An incision has to be made on the gum in order to reach the tooth. This procedure is performed by oral surgeons. However, a general dentist can still perform the surgery.

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